Want to know what I love about you??
You're two! Big two! For 24 months, you've blessed my life in more ways than I could ever have imagined. My heart's not big enough for all the love I have for you. On this day, your 2nd birthday, I am completely grateful that God chose ME to be YOUR mommy. Of all the mommies in the world, he picked me. I am a lucky, lucky girl. At the ripe old age of two, you have been my greatest teacher. You have helped me learn so many things about myself...and about life.
I could just sit and stare at you for hours!! Sometimes I do... Mr. Blue Eyes, with the longest eyelashes I've ever seen. Your hair is already getting a little darker, your feet resemble those of Fred Flintstone, your fingernails always seem to get a little dirty no matter where we are or what we're doing, and your sweet little chubby hands could hold my hands all day long and I wouldn't mind. I looked at your first birthday pictures yesterday and I cried. You asked "Mommy, why sad?" Your tender little heart melted and you cried, too. Because mommy cried. "I'm sad because I want you to be little forever." I bet I do the same thing next year, too. :)
One of my most favorite things in the world is when I ask you to tell me a story. There are three stories that you love to tell....a lot! "Ride tractor, mama...and the baler broke. Uncle Jerry fixed it. Now there's hay." or "Cows in trouble. Got out. Fence broke. Bad cows! Uncle Jerry fixed it." orrr.... "Deer, mama! Jump high! It's big! Running! I get it. Pow powwwwww!" I love hearing your words, but even more, I love seeing your face when you tell those stories. I look forward to many, many more stories.
"Mama?" What is it Cooper? "I happy."
That's what you say every morning when you wake up. And....that's also what you tell me when you sometimes have to go to time out for "accidentally" sprinkling your powder everywhere...or "accidentally" tearing up a special book. Being a boy is tough sometimes.
You have the world wrapped around your little finger. You love to be around kids. You never meet a stranger. People just seem to be drawn to you. When you're afraid or nervous, you hug my leg and stay real close. You HATE to go to sleep and you usually find your way to Mommy's bed at some point in the night. You are extremely independent and want to do everything yourself. No help, mommy! you say...
My head is full of all the sweet and funny moments that we've shared, Coop Coop. It would take me a year to write them all. As I try to fit some of them in here, I'm finding that for some of those special moments, words just aren't enough. There's no way I could capture the magic and humor and mischief and extra-specialness of YOU by typing it here. So, I'll keep them locked inside my memory in hopes that I never, ever forget.
You are beautiful, little boy. Inside and out. And I love every second that we spend together. We've come a long way, baby.
I love you soooo much.
How much is so?
Way, way more than you know.
-Mommy :)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Hello, October!
September, where did you GO?!??!?!
Life is wonderfully busy and days are full of fun places to go and things to do. Between family, friends, school, and football, we've had an awesome month. Time's moving so very fast.
I've been busy planning my little cowpoke's 2nd birthday party. Cupcake toppers, party favors, sheriff's badges...whew. Lovin' it, though. Can't wait to post pics from his big day!!
I'm in l-o-v-e with this weather we've been having. Also in l-o-v-e with the new fall candles that are keeping my house smellin' reallll good! My favorite time of year!!!
Life is wonderfully busy and days are full of fun places to go and things to do. Between family, friends, school, and football, we've had an awesome month. Time's moving so very fast.
I've been busy planning my little cowpoke's 2nd birthday party. Cupcake toppers, party favors, sheriff's badges...whew. Lovin' it, though. Can't wait to post pics from his big day!!
I'm in l-o-v-e with this weather we've been having. Also in l-o-v-e with the new fall candles that are keeping my house smellin' reallll good! My favorite time of year!!!
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