Although it seems impossible, it's been 3 years since you came into my world.
I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I was tired...and scared...and huge...and scared...until I met you. I was so, so ready to meet you.
On that day, I had no idea how much my heart would grow. I had no idea that I'd be up late at night telling stories about dolphins in the pond and "listening for ra-codies" outside. I had no idea that my phone would be full of huntin' and horse games and that my living room would be overtaken with cowboy hats, stinky rubber boots, toy guns, and deer antlers. I had no idea that my evenings would be filled with riding the 4-wheeler down a dirt road, checking on the horse and cows, throwing dog food in the pond for the turtles, and watching the sun set from the front porch. I had no idea that every decision, every path, every thought, every idea, every breath, would always (and will always) begin with you.
And I had no idea that I'd love that as much as I do.
Nothing could have prepared me for the adventure you've given me.
You, little bless my heart.
I love you "bigger than the whole sky and the whole stars. I love you the most. I love you the more." I will forever.
Happy 3rd birthday, sugar!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Life. Is. Good.
Crazy busy, but good.
Now that I feel a little more "settled down" I'm looking forward to getting back into the blogging world.
Coop and I have moved into my grandparents' home near my hometown. We've done a lot of work and have really REALLY loved living in a place that is so very special to me. If I stayed there forever, I'd be ok with that. I really love it that much! I can foresee lots of fun stories about life on the "farm," and YES, I will be channeling my inner Ree Drummond. :)
I'll be dealing with dial-up internet for a while (ugh!) but am looking forward to sharing some great Coop stories that just keep on comin'.
Crazy busy, but good.
Now that I feel a little more "settled down" I'm looking forward to getting back into the blogging world.
Coop and I have moved into my grandparents' home near my hometown. We've done a lot of work and have really REALLY loved living in a place that is so very special to me. If I stayed there forever, I'd be ok with that. I really love it that much! I can foresee lots of fun stories about life on the "farm," and YES, I will be channeling my inner Ree Drummond. :)
I'll be dealing with dial-up internet for a while (ugh!) but am looking forward to sharing some great Coop stories that just keep on comin'.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Life happened.'s been a while.
Here's what I've been up to:
-starving...ummm..I mean, trying to lose weight.
-Zumba. Lots of Zumba.
-Chasing around a two year year old maniac that just keeps getting cuter (and badder) by the second.
-Not caring that "badder" is not a word.
-Participated in my very first 5K, and although I only ran some of it, i was kinda proud of myself.
-Lots of artsy crafty stuff that is PERFECT therapy for me.
-Thrift store shopping, also good therapy.
-Preparing to move into my grandparents' home, since it's empty these days.
-Loving the country life.
-Not stressing out about anything.
-Dreaming of all of the fun things I want to do over the summer.
and...millions of other things, but overall, I'm livin' it. And lovin' it.
Here's what I've been up to:
-starving...ummm..I mean, trying to lose weight.
-Zumba. Lots of Zumba.
-Chasing around a two year year old maniac that just keeps getting cuter (and badder) by the second.
-Not caring that "badder" is not a word.
-Participated in my very first 5K, and although I only ran some of it, i was kinda proud of myself.
-Lots of artsy crafty stuff that is PERFECT therapy for me.
-Thrift store shopping, also good therapy.
-Preparing to move into my grandparents' home, since it's empty these days.
-Loving the country life.
-Not stressing out about anything.
-Dreaming of all of the fun things I want to do over the summer.
and...millions of other things, but overall, I'm livin' it. And lovin' it.
Monday, March 7, 2011
For my Paw Paw
Paw Paw
He believed in homemade ice cream and black coffee.
He believed in calling cows and running trot lines.
He believed in "sit around the table"," say the blessing", "clean your plate", and second helpings of everything, especially dessert.
He believed in calling cows and running trot lines.
He believed in "sit around the table"," say the blessing", "clean your plate", and second helpings of everything, especially dessert.
He believed in yes ma'am and no sir.
He believed in "listen for the coyotes" and "y'all come."
He believed in music, and in country, and in the Golden Rule.
He believed in rabbit huntin' and riding in the pasture.
He believed in "I'm sorries and I love yous."
He believed in never meeting a stranger, and if he did, they soon became his friend.
He believed in second chances, and in third and fourth chances, too.
He believed in the Lord and in answered prayers.
He believed in spoiling grandkids, great grandkids, and puppies.
He believed that a hard day's work never hurt anybody.
He believed in tight hugs and "a kiss will make it feel better."
He believed in "What do you need?" and "How can I help?"
He believed that there wasn't a problem in the world that couldn't be solved by talking it out on the front porch.
He believed in Granny and in "Happy 56th anniversary!"
He believed in family, and in love, and in living a good life.
Paw Paw was the greatest man we ever knew.
We'll meet again one day. He believed in that, too.
Written by me for Paw Paw, March 6, 2011.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I love music. Period.
I love music that I can relate to even more.
Enter: Courtyard Hounds.
Perfection. Have you heard their stuff?? They are the Dixie Chicks, without the lead "chick". And I LOVE them!!
I love all of the songs....(except for maybe one, but I won't ruin it for you)
I have three favorites on their CD - Skyline, See you in the Spring, and April's Love
My favorite line from Skyline says....
"And then I heard a sweet voice cry......tellin' me, yeah it's gonna be alright."
love it.
And my favorite from April's love says...
"Yeah, I'm ok, but I'm not the same. Yeah, but I take it in stride."
LOVE it.
And I just love the whole darn song "See you in the Spring".
Here's a video of Skyline, live.
Get ready. You're gonna love it!
I love music that I can relate to even more.
Enter: Courtyard Hounds.
Perfection. Have you heard their stuff?? They are the Dixie Chicks, without the lead "chick". And I LOVE them!!
I love all of the songs....(except for maybe one, but I won't ruin it for you)
I have three favorites on their CD - Skyline, See you in the Spring, and April's Love
My favorite line from Skyline says....
"And then I heard a sweet voice cry......tellin' me, yeah it's gonna be alright."
love it.
And my favorite from April's love says...
"Yeah, I'm ok, but I'm not the same. Yeah, but I take it in stride."
LOVE it.
And I just love the whole darn song "See you in the Spring".
Here's a video of Skyline, live.
Get ready. You're gonna love it!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Today's therapy
I've read a few books. A few million. And, I've read a few books about divorce. I must've been shopping in the wrong part of the self-help section.
You see, throughout the divorce, from the moment it was filed until the moment it was final, life was a little tougher than normal, and there were bad days, and I poured out my heart a few times to close friends/family that were there for me to lean on. Somehow I managed (God helped me manage) to walk calmly through the storm. I amazed myself with my ability to keep my head up. And then it was final. And I took a deep breath. Just one. Things are suppose to get easier now, right?
Post-divorce has been treacherous. More difficult than I could have ever, ever, ever imagined. I'm a wreck. Plain and simple. And I don't know why. Recently, a telemarketer from DirecTV heard my life story and before the call was over, I was in tears. I showed up to work two weeks ago with eye make-up on one eye only. I can't tell you where anything is. Not even in the general vicinity of where it might be. I also had a MAJOR melt-down/freak out last week in my car because I couldn't find my keys. ( I was driving...they were in the ignition.....) I could go on. But then I would probably worry you a bit more than you probably already are. :)
What I do know is that I'm going to write a book about divorce. I've always wanted to write a book, anyway. This book will be for girls like me. You know, normal ones. No fantasy-living, daydreaming, romanticist, pie in the sky girls. Nuh-uh. Realist, in-your-face, no-gray-area, call- it-like-you-see-it girls like me.
Because what those books don't tell you is that you're never going to be the same. Ever. And no matter how hard you try to trust ANYONE, it doesn't come easy...and sometimes doesn't come at all. And as much as you are grateful to God that he is merciful to you every day, you also have to remember that he is also merciful every day to your ex, the one you don't like very much right now. That's a tough pill to swallow. And that as much as you think...and say...that you'll totally be ok when your ex finds 'someone new' you're not gonna be ok with it, even if she's a good person. And that all you really need is time to heal....and that's the one thing you don't have, because if you're like me, you have an incredible fear of wasted time.
Tough times build character. I hope that's true.
Sometimes things have to fall apart for them to fall together {better than before}. I hope that's true, too.
And if you choose to not follow this blog-o-mine anymore, I totally understand. Though I've been a little negative nelly lately, I have to say, it is goooooood therapy to "get it all out there". Whew. The load's a little lighter tonight.
You see, throughout the divorce, from the moment it was filed until the moment it was final, life was a little tougher than normal, and there were bad days, and I poured out my heart a few times to close friends/family that were there for me to lean on. Somehow I managed (God helped me manage) to walk calmly through the storm. I amazed myself with my ability to keep my head up. And then it was final. And I took a deep breath. Just one. Things are suppose to get easier now, right?
Post-divorce has been treacherous. More difficult than I could have ever, ever, ever imagined. I'm a wreck. Plain and simple. And I don't know why. Recently, a telemarketer from DirecTV heard my life story and before the call was over, I was in tears. I showed up to work two weeks ago with eye make-up on one eye only. I can't tell you where anything is. Not even in the general vicinity of where it might be. I also had a MAJOR melt-down/freak out last week in my car because I couldn't find my keys. ( I was driving...they were in the ignition.....) I could go on. But then I would probably worry you a bit more than you probably already are. :)
What I do know is that I'm going to write a book about divorce. I've always wanted to write a book, anyway. This book will be for girls like me. You know, normal ones. No fantasy-living, daydreaming, romanticist, pie in the sky girls. Nuh-uh. Realist, in-your-face, no-gray-area, call- it-like-you-see-it girls like me.
Because what those books don't tell you is that you're never going to be the same. Ever. And no matter how hard you try to trust ANYONE, it doesn't come easy...and sometimes doesn't come at all. And as much as you are grateful to God that he is merciful to you every day, you also have to remember that he is also merciful every day to your ex, the one you don't like very much right now. That's a tough pill to swallow. And that as much as you think...and say...that you'll totally be ok when your ex finds 'someone new' you're not gonna be ok with it, even if she's a good person. And that all you really need is time to heal....and that's the one thing you don't have, because if you're like me, you have an incredible fear of wasted time.
Tough times build character. I hope that's true.
Sometimes things have to fall apart for them to fall together {better than before}. I hope that's true, too.
And if you choose to not follow this blog-o-mine anymore, I totally understand. Though I've been a little negative nelly lately, I have to say, it is goooooood therapy to "get it all out there". Whew. The load's a little lighter tonight.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Weekend Wrap-up
I've learned to keep myself pretty busy on weekends Coop's at his dad's and this weekend has been no exception. I've battled a really obnoxious sinus infection with fever on and off this weekend, but sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.'s my weekend:
Friday - *renewed drivers license (that expired on August 30th...whatever)
*scored some excellent JUNK
*made a t-shirt scarf
*finished one book (Lily's Crossing, Patricia Reilly Giff), started another (Willow Run, Patricia Reilly Giff)
*made some home-made hurricane vases and apothecary jars
*got together a cute-sy Valentine display for the island in my kitchen
*downloaded all the pics on my camera to - - FINALLY!
Saturday -
*stayed in bed most of the day, which allowed me to finish my book (Willow Run), and read one more. (It's not the end of the world, Judy Blume)<----book nerd.
*ate some yum Mexican food in another
*played Bingo for the first time ever (and won!)
*spent some good quality "talking time" with a friend that I could never see enough of (love my trecia!)
*drooled over EVERYTHING in all three Pottery Barn magazines that came in the mail. Even PB Teen. Dorky, I know.
*read some more (Eleven, Patricia Reilly Giff)!
Sunday - *stayed home from church because I had fever. ugh.
*Read Bridge to Terabithia...and cried. and loved it.
*Made three Halloween wreaths (why halloween?? i don't know)
*made a valentine bunting
*posted on the crafty blog
*updated THIS blog ;) I can hear the neglected laundry calling my name. Whew..I'm tired. Ready to see my Cooper man tomorrow!'s my weekend:
Friday - *renewed drivers license (that expired on August 30th...whatever)
*scored some excellent JUNK
*made a t-shirt scarf
*finished one book (Lily's Crossing, Patricia Reilly Giff), started another (Willow Run, Patricia Reilly Giff)
*made some home-made hurricane vases and apothecary jars
*got together a cute-sy Valentine display for the island in my kitchen
*downloaded all the pics on my camera to - - FINALLY!
Saturday -
*stayed in bed most of the day, which allowed me to finish my book (Willow Run), and read one more. (It's not the end of the world, Judy Blume)<----book nerd.
*ate some yum Mexican food in another
*played Bingo for the first time ever (and won!)
*spent some good quality "talking time" with a friend that I could never see enough of (love my trecia!)
*drooled over EVERYTHING in all three Pottery Barn magazines that came in the mail. Even PB Teen. Dorky, I know.
*read some more (Eleven, Patricia Reilly Giff)!
Sunday - *stayed home from church because I had fever. ugh.
*Read Bridge to Terabithia...and cried. and loved it.
*Made three Halloween wreaths (why halloween?? i don't know)
*made a valentine bunting
*posted on the crafty blog
*updated THIS blog ;) I can hear the neglected laundry calling my name. Whew..I'm tired. Ready to see my Cooper man tomorrow!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Hello, 2011. Nice to meet you.
It's a brand new year. 2011. It's gonna be good. I can feel it.
Things I'm going to love about 2011:
Watching my baby boy grow, grow, grow.
Giving up some bad habits.
Learning new things.
My new sewing machine.
No lawyer bills.
NO debt. (ok, so that'll be LATE 2011)
Soaking up as much precious time with my Paw Paw Middleton as I can.
Taking better care of myself.
Breaking down the "wall of China" I have around my heart. This one's gonna be tough.
I love having hope that things will get better. I am FULL of hope.
Things I'm going to love about 2011:
Watching my baby boy grow, grow, grow.
Giving up some bad habits.
Learning new things.
My new sewing machine.
No lawyer bills.
NO debt. (ok, so that'll be LATE 2011)
Soaking up as much precious time with my Paw Paw Middleton as I can.
Taking better care of myself.
Breaking down the "wall of China" I have around my heart. This one's gonna be tough.
I love having hope that things will get better. I am FULL of hope.
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