I've learned to keep myself pretty busy on weekends Coop's at his dad's and this weekend has been no exception. I've battled a really obnoxious sinus infection with fever on and off this weekend, but sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
So....here's my weekend:
Friday - *renewed drivers license (that expired on August 30th...whatever)
*scored some excellent JUNK
*made a t-shirt scarf
*finished one book (Lily's Crossing, Patricia Reilly Giff), started another (Willow Run, Patricia Reilly Giff)
*made some home-made hurricane vases and apothecary jars
*got together a cute-sy Valentine display for the island in my kitchen
*downloaded all the pics on my camera to walgreens.com - - FINALLY!
Saturday -
*stayed in bed most of the day, which allowed me to finish my book (Willow Run), and read one more. (It's not the end of the world, Judy Blume)<----book nerd.
*ate some yum Mexican food in another state...lol
*played Bingo for the first time ever (and won!)
*spent some good quality "talking time" with a friend that I could never see enough of (love my trecia!)
*drooled over EVERYTHING in all three Pottery Barn magazines that came in the mail. Even PB Teen. Dorky, I know.
*read some more (Eleven, Patricia Reilly Giff)!
Sunday - *stayed home from church because I had fever. ugh.
*Read Bridge to Terabithia...and cried. and loved it.
*Made three Halloween wreaths (why halloween?? i don't know)
*made a valentine bunting
*posted on the crafty blog
*updated THIS blog ;)
and....now I can hear the neglected laundry calling my name. Whew..I'm tired. Ready to see my Cooper man tomorrow!