"What did you just say?"
"You mean FEMURS????????????"
"No, mama. Finnnnnngers. Say feen- now say gerrrsssssssss"
O.M.G. I think a teensy little piece of my heart broke with that little convo. And for a split second, I was almost mad, thinking "Who told him to say it the right way?" lol Nobody did. He's growin' up. I still say "femurs" all the time, and I probably always will. I'm constantly corrected. By my 3 year old.
I think it's crazy that no matter how desperately hard we try to remember every waking moment of our babies' lives, we forget a lot. A lot lot. And no matter how hard we try to commit ourselves to write down cute things they say, we sometimes forget that, too.
In an effort to preserve my little Cooper Dictionary, I'm hoping that between what I've actually remembered to write down, and blogging about it, I might actually capture most of those little words and funny phrases.
Timberin' - to pretend. Ex: Mama, I didn't mean to splash so much water out of the bathtub. I was just timberin' I was a dolphin.
Becept - except. Ex: I look just like you, becept you have crazy hair and mine always looks cool.
'structions - instructions. Ex: Pop Pop's not followin' the 'structions.
'rections - directions. Ex: Mama, follow the 'rections!
death fire - ???? Ex: That is scarin' the death fire out of me.
constellations - anything scary. Ex: Ahhhh!!!!!!!! Constellations!!!!!!!!
the 'mote - the remote control. Ex: Please pass me the 'mote.
UnderGod - Pledge of Allegiance Ex: I forgot to say my UnderGod!
Moanus and Beezus: Ramona and Beezus, his favorite movie
You're tearin' my life up: what he says when he gets a spankin'.
Did you hear that breakin' sound? That was my heart!: what he says when the above phrase doesn't work.
50 hundred dollars: how much EVERYTHING costs.
becent: percent Ex: There's a 80 30 becent chance of rain tomorrow.
who owl: hoot owl
ra-cody: coyote
footwrist: his ankle
Octover fiff: his birthday, October 5th
Femurs: what his mama still calls fingers. :)
These are a few of hundreds...can't wait to remember more to add to the list!
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