Monday, June 7, 2010



...times a minute, I hear "mama! mama!"
...times an hour, I find a random object hidden somewhere it doesn't belong.
...times a day, I get an unexpected tight hug from my sweet, sweet boy.
...times a week, a new word spills out of his mouth that he's never said before.
...times a month, I suddenly think (slightly panicked)....When did you get SO big?

For 20 months, I have smiled more, my days have been happier, my life has taken on a new meaning, my identity has been redefined, and I have loved harder than I ever thought I could in my wildest dreams.

For 20 months, my heart has melted into the hands of a little boy with dirty fingernails, 20 year old boots on his feet, and the biggest blue eyes I've ever seen.

For 20 months, I have considered myself the luckiest mama in the whole wide world.

Don't grow up too fast, CoopCoop.

1 comment:

  1. This is so precious. And you ARE the luckiest mama in the world. And so am I and so is every other mama out there with a sweet, sweet little blessing like your Coopy.
