Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The cleaning ladies

Know what i feel like? Get your imagination ready. :) I feel like a bunch of little tiny cleaning ladies are surrounding my heart and my mind...and, well, my life in general. I feel like all of the 'bad stuff' is being swept away into their tiny little dustpans. Little by little, everything is just falling into place. Life is becoming simpler, my heart is much softer, and i'm feeling more like myself every day.

I took lots of deep breaths today. I even sat down and slowed my mind down enough to watch a movie. That hasn't happened in a really, really long time!!!

Know what else I feel like? No imagination necessary this time... I feel like being happy without having to pretend to be happy feels pretty stinkin' good.


  1. I'm happy for you! And I'm not pretending!!

  2. This is not facebook but if there was a "like" button, I totally would "like" this alot ;)
